“I got the once in a lifetime opportunity commission of a piece of music in a charity raffle that was being held for Islay Dog Rescue in Ayrshire. My husband Sloth was about to turn 40, he loves dogs, is an avid supporter of Islay Dog rescue, and loves a bit of bluegrass music, so it seemed the perfect present! We have the sheet music framed and hung on our bedroom wall and I remember the morning of his 40th birthday when he opened his presents with such love!
Sloth and I shared a passion for dog rescue, and shared our lives with five rescue dogs of our own, but we also had a shared passion of motorbikes and travelling, and would regularly combine that passion to ride to remote parts of Europe and beyond - we were very lucky in our lives to have found in each other a soulmate. Sadly our luck ran out when in November 2016 Sloth was diagnosed with adrenal cancer, and in February 2017, aged 42, heaven took my angel. His legacy in helping rescue dogs lives on in those he saved, and I continue to save.”
‘Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-menots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble’ - Charles Spurgeon” Kind regards,
Pippa Unwin.
Sloth Unwin’s composition is the first tune in the Borland Ceilidh Band’s “Lucky 7”
set and is played at each ceilidh.
A guide track for ‘Sloth Unwin’ is available below for listening: -
You can download a PDF of the sheet music here
- or braille format here.
The track is additionally available within the following collections and sets: -
Associated Collections: -
Not Yet Recorded
The Kilmarnock Collection
The Three Six Five Collection
Associated PDF Download Sets: -
Lucky 7