Ron Falkenham, a retired City of Halifax policeman, was born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia, as one of eight children in a household led by a single mother. His mother instilled in him the values of frugality, productivity, and responsibility, shaping Ron into the hardworking and dependable person he is today.
After dedicating many years to the Halifax Police Department, Ron specialised as an accident reconstructionist before retiring at the age of 50. In retirement, he has stayed active by engaging in various types of physical work, ensuring he remains in excellent shape and continues to enjoy the outdoors—a passion that has long been a part of his life. Ron also has a deep love for animals, and one of his greatest joys is caring for the family’s backyard laying hens.
Although retired, Ron remains an integral part of his wife’s family. He formed a close relationship with his late father-in-law, Kingsley Brown, who owned the Cote St. Georges vineyard in South Side Harbour, Antigonish County. Ron’s help during the vineyard’s harvest season was invaluable. From sunrise to dusk, he worked tirelessly, earning the well-deserved title of Foreman of the Vineyard, a position in which he took pride. In addition to overseeing the harvest, Ron helped chop wood to fuel the fires that kept the family warm at the main house and guest cottage.
Ron is highly respected by his in-laws and treats his wife’s two daughters and their families as if they were his own. His unwavering support and affection for them is reciprocated, and his presence is cherished. Although Karen and Megan’s father is still active in their lives as a loving father and grandfather, Ron’s proximity and dedication as an extra doting figure in the family is always welcomed.
A guide track for ‘Ron Falkenham’ is available below for listening: -
You can download a PDF of the sheet music here
- or braille format here.
The track is additionally available within the following collections and sets: -
Associated Collections: -
Not Yet Recorded
The Three Six Five Collection