Göran Hallmarken, hailing from Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, is one of the foremost hurdy-gurdy players on the Swedish folk and medieval music scene. Born into a family with a rich tradition of fiddle players, Göran is part of a musical lineage that spans at least four generations in Swedish traditional music. His deep connection to this heritage has shaped his unique approach to music and his significant contributions to both historical and Swedish folk music.
Göran’s musical journey is marked by his pioneering role in the world of hurdy-gurdy playing. He made history as the first hurdy-gurdy player to be admitted to the bachelor program for folk musicians at the prestigious Stockholm Royal Academy of Music. He further honed his craft at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, solidifying his expertise in both folk and medieval music.
With over 25 years of experience, Göran has become a sought-after musician, teacher, and session performer across Scandinavia and Germany. His expertise and passion for the hurdy-gurdy have earned him a reputation as one of Sweden’s most prominent drone musicians. He performs with the ensemble Norsauga and also as a duo with fellow musician Erik, showcasing his versatility and depth in both historical and folk music contexts.
In November 2017, Göran had the honour of being the first Swedish bagpiper to perform at the Grand Hall in Kilmarnock, demonstrating his prowess on a variety of traditional instruments.
Today, Göran Hallmarken remains a respected figure in the world of folk and medieval music, continuing to share his knowledge and artistry through performances, collaborations, and teaching. His dedication to preserving and evolving the traditions of Swedish folk music ensures his lasting influence on future generations of musicians.
A guide track for ‘Göran Hallmarken’ is available below for listening: -
The track is additionally available within the following collections and sets: -
Associated Collections: -
Not Yet Recorded
The Kilmarnock Collection
The Three Six Five Collection