Dawn Rankin was born and raised in Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire, and proudly considers herself an Ayrshire lass through and through.
She is passionate about maintaining her health and fitness, regularly attending gym classes. For Dawn, it’s not just about physical well-being—it’s also a chance to socialise and connect with others. Outside of fitness, one of her greatest passions is Scottish gin and whisky. She believes in supporting local and national businesses, and when the opportunity arises, she loves to promote their products.
Looking back on her teenage years, Dawn often wonders where the time has gone. She recalls a time when her hair was bright red, always on the go, with places to be and friends to meet. Like most teenagers, she had her rebellious moments—pushing the boundaries on things like curfew times and sneaking a drink in the local park. Peach or strawberry-flavored wine, always keeping a lookout in case she was caught, were a rite of passage.
Dawn fondly remembers those carefree days spent laughing at silly conversations and dancing late into the night at the local club with the same friends she hung out with in the park. “I’m proud to say I’m still friends with the same crowd,” she reflects. “Although the days of drinking flavored wine in the park are behind us, I still find myself dancing into the early hours with those same friends."
A guide track for ‘Dawn Rankin’ is available below for listening: -
You can download a PDF of the sheet music here
- or braille format here.
The track is additionally available within the following collections and sets: -
Associated Collections: -
Ayrshire Characters
Not Yet Recorded
The Three Six Five Collection
Associated PDF Download Sets: -
Wring oot the Dishrag