The street name finds its inspiration in the nearby expanse of Craigie, an emblematic location steeped in history. Craigie Castle, nestled within the ancient Barony of Craigie, rests like a sentinel, gracing the landscape some four miles southeast of Kilmarnock. A mere mile separates it from the charming hamlet of Craigie.
This fortress stands as a relic of antiquity, holding the echoes of centuries long past. It ranks among Ayrshire’s earliest edifices, a testament to a bygone era. Rooted in the 12th century, the annals of history unveil the connection of this land with Walter fitz Alan, Steward of Scotland. These very grounds once lay beneath the stewardship of Walter Hose, holding his dominion under the aegis of the Steward.
In the year 1177, the tendrils of Craigie’s legacy intertwined with the monks of Paisley, as Walter Hose of Cragyn (sic) bequeathed the church of Cragyn into their care. The mantle of inheritance passed through generations, evolving within the lineage of John and his progeny, most notably his son Thomas. Yet, the sands of fate dictated an end to Thomas’s lineage, leaving his sisters, Christiana and Matilda, as inheritors.
Christiana, a name that threads through time, ushered her legacy onward. Walter de Lyndesay, her offspring, bore the torch of lineage. His father, William Lyndesey of Crawfurd, lent his essence to the tapestry of history. The journey traversed generations, culminating in John de Lyndesey, marking the pinnacle of the male line. Yet, his story found its junction with another narrative, as his daughter’s hand was claimed by John Wallace of Riccarton.
Craigie View stands as more than a mere moniker; it’s a portal to the past, a vantage point from which the echoes of Craigie Castle’s lineage reverberate across time.
A guide track for ‘Craigie View’ is available below for listening: -
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Not Yet Recorded
The Tarbolton Collection
The Three Six Five Collection