Ali MacLeod MA (hons) MBA hails from Appin and was schooled in Oban before studying at the University of Aberdeen and embarking on a career in fundraising, working for universities and international development organisations around the world.
With interests in Highland history, culture and heritage Ali decided in 2017 to focus her passions and experience closer to home and took up the post of Head of Fundraising with the National Trust for Scotland.
Exploring, learning about, sharing and enabling the continued protection and promotion of the built, natural and cultural heritage which makes Scotland so special is both employment and enjoyment.
A guide track for ‘Ali MacLeod’ is available below for listening: -
You can download a PDF of the sheet music here
- or braille format here.
The track is additionally available within the following collections and sets: -
Associated Collections: -
National Trust for Scotland
Not Yet Recorded
The Three Six Five Collection